  • Hello, I am new to blockchain field. I am creating nft marketplace as a practice project as a part of my learning journey. I am still new for this field and coding as well. Could you guys please provide me suggestions as if this is a correct step, or what projects I need to build in order to get a start at blockchain technologies? All suggestions/criticisms/guidances are welcome!😊

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  • Merry Wordsworth


    Welcome to the blockchain space! Building an NFT marketplace as a learning project is a solid idea, but I’d tweak your approach to avoid burnout. Start small—blockchain has a steep learning curve, especially if you’re also new to coding.

    First, nail the fundamentals:

    Write a basic smart contract (e.g., a "Hello World" contract) using Remix IDE. It’s like training wheels for Solidity.

    Create a simple ERC-721 token (NFT) using OpenZeppelin’s templates. Copy-pasting code here is totally fine—it’s how most of us start.

    Build a barebones React app that connects to MetaMask. Expect rage-inducing errors—they’re part of the process.

    Once you’re comfortable, tackle the marketplace in phases:

    Phase 1: Smart contracts for minting and listing NFTs. Ignore fancy features—focus on core functionality (e.g., “list for 0.1 ETH”). Use Hardhat for testing.

    Phase 2: A basic frontend. No need for polish—just make it functional.

    Phase 3: Add complexity (auctions, royalties).

    Pro tips:

    Test everything on Goerli testnet first. Mainnet mistakes cost real money.

    Join r/ethdev or Ethereum’s Discord. Lurking there saved me hours of Googling.

    Share your code early, even if it’s messy. Feedback is gold.

    You’re on the right track—just don’t rush. The grind now pays off later. Good luck!

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