  • Can anyone suggest a few ebooks on blockchain development? There are ample of books available on online portals. But it is confusing which one to select. I am looking for something that focuses on blockchain development from scratch.

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  • Naina Grehwal


    I can suggest a few ebooks that are available on Amazon. Happy Reading!

    1. Inventing Bitcoin: The Technology Behind the First Truly Scarce and Decentralized Money Explained By Yan Pritzker
    2. Blockchain and the Law: The Rule of Code By Primavera De Filippi and Aaron Wright
    3. Bitcoin Money: A Tale of Bitville Discovering Good Money By Michael Caras
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  • Andria Shines


    If you're looking for great ebooks on blockchain, I highly recommend "Mastering Bitcoin" by Andreas M. Antonopoulos and "Blockchain Basics" by Daniel Drescher. These books break down complex concepts into digestible pieces, making them perfect for both beginners and those with some background knowledge. Antonopoulos’ book dives deep into Bitcoin’s technical aspects, while Drescher provides a solid overview of blockchain technology itself. Happy reading, and you'll be amazed at how much you can learn!

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