  • Considering the idea of creating a simple online board game for up to four players, with thousands of concurrent games running, some questions arise regarding blockchain integration.

    1. Full Game on Blockchain: Is it possible to run every part of the game, including the landing page and actual gameplay, on the blockchain? Smart contracts and basic storage seem feasible, but are there limitations for real-time gameplay?

    2. Transactions for Moves: Would each player move need a blockchain transaction? How would this impact speed and cost? Would handling parts of the game logic on a traditional server reduce these issues?

    3. Scaling Challenges: With thousands of players, what are the main technical hurdles? Is it primarily about managing simultaneous requests and quick game updates?

    4. Network Impact: Could this type of game overload a network like Ethereum? If so, are there other blockchains more suitable for supporting high-volume, multiplayer gameplay?

    Insight on these questions would help determine the best approach for developing a scalable blockchain-based board game.

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  • Shubhada Pande

    Community Administrator4mos

    Yes, you can run entire games on scalable and speedy blockchains, but selecting the right layer 1 blockchain is essential.

    For efficient game development, you need a blockchain that offers high transaction speeds and low costs to handle real-time gameplay and numerous players simultaneously. While blockchains can manage game elements like scores and fairness through smart contracts, using traditional servers for the main game interface and logic is often more practical.

    This approach helps avoid slowdowns and high expenses associated with on-chain transactions. Choosing a blockchain with strong scalability features ensures your game can handle thousands of players without congesting the network. So, when developing your game, carefully evaluate layer 1 blockchains to ensure they meet your performance and scalability needs.

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  • Yagiz Partaker


    Running a full online board game on the blockchain has benefits and limitations. Blockchain securely stores data like player scores, but it lacks the speed needed for real-time gameplay and hosting tasks like the landing page. Blockchain provides secure and transparent data storage, but high-speed, frequent actions are challenging due to transaction costs and network constraints.

    If each player move requires a blockchain transaction, game performance slows down significantly. Each move waits for network confirmation, causing delays and high fees—especially on Ethereum. This setup would impact the game experience and become costly. A hybrid solution, where game logic runs on a traditional server while blockchain stores essential data (like final scores or key events), can improve both speed and security.

    Supporting thousands of players simultaneously requires efficient scaling. Large user volumes need strong architecture, and Layer 2 solutions or scalable blockchains like Solana or Polygon can handle faster and lower-cost transactions than Ethereum, making them better for high-volume gaming.

    In short, blockchain supports parts of the game, but a fully on-chain setup is impractical. A mix of centralized servers for gameplay and blockchain for data storage offers a practical, scalable approach.

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