  • I have experience in coding and web development. Recently, I became interested in blockchain technology and considered switching careers to become a blockchain developer. However, I don’t have years of experience in programming. I wonder if it’s worth pursuing this career.

    I’ve seen many people promoting blockchain as a promising field, claiming it’s the future. On the other hand, some critics argue that blockchain is overhyped and not worth pursuing. They say it’s a technology that hasn’t lived up to expectations.

    I found several job listings for blockchain developers, but most require five or more years of experience, which I don’t have.

    Should I pursue blockchain development despite my limited experience? I’m looking for advice from people who have worked in this field or have insights. What should I do?

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  • Shubhada Pande

    Community Administrator6mos

    Blockchain is definitely not just hype—it's shaping the future of technology and development. Remote jobs in blockchain are growing as companies adopt this technology. While many job ads may seek several years of experience, there are opportunities for those who demonstrate strong skills and passion. With your background in coding and web development, transitioning into blockchain could be a smart move. Start by learning through courses, working on projects, and engaging with the community. Your existing skills will be valuable, and the growing demand for blockchain expertise could open doors for you.

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