  • need some serious help here. I’ve been in software testing for six years, mostly WhiteBox testing, but now I’m trying to move into blockchain QA, and honestly? I feel completely lost.

    Like… where do I even start? How different is blockchain testing from traditional software testing? What skills do I actually need to land a job in this space? Are there specific tools or frameworks that everyone expects you to know? And do I really need to be some kind of coding genius, or can I get by without diving headfirst into smart contract development?

    If you’ve made this transition (or already work in blockchain QA), I’d love to hear how you did it. What helped? What completely threw you off? Any go-to resources that saved you from losing your mind?

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  • Yagiz Partaker


    Jumping into blockchain QA can feel overwhelming, but with your WhiteBox testing background, you're already ahead of the curve.

    Here’s what makes blockchain testing unique:

    Smart contract security is critical. Bugs aren’t just inconveniences—they can lead to millions in losses. You’ll need to understand vulnerabilities like reentrancy, overflows, and access control issues. Tools like Slither, Mythril, and Echidna are essential. Transactions are immutable. Unlike traditional applications, once something is on-chain, it can’t be changed. Testing state transitions, consensus mechanisms, and failure scenarios is a big part of the job. Gas optimization matters. Every function execution costs gas, so inefficient code can make transactions prohibitively expensive. QA plays a role in ensuring smart contracts are optimized. Coding isn’t mandatory, but it’s highly recommended. You should be comfortable reading Solidity and writing test scripts in Hardhat or Foundry. The best way to learn? Start experimenting on a testnet and analyzing real-world exploits.

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