  • I’m a recent CS graduate in my mid-20s with about a year of internship experience as a Java developer. I’ve worked on backend development, built APIs, and used frameworks like Spring Boot. I’ve always liked coding in Java, but lately, I’ve been super interested in blockchain.

    I keep hearing how blockchain is changing industries, and I’m fascinated by the idea of working on decentralized applications and smart contracts. Now I’m thinking of making the switch from Java development to blockchain development, but I’m not sure where to start.

    Should I focus on learning languages like Solidity?

    How much of my Java skills will transfer over?

    Do I need to take any specific courses or get certifications, or can I learn by building projects on my own?

    And lastly, what’s the best way to approach this transition to make myself stand out when applying for blockchain roles?


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  • Shubhada Pande

    Community Administrator4mos

    In my opinion, transitioning from Java to blockchain development is a smart move, especially with your experience in backend and API development. I'd recommend starting with Solidity, since it's the go-to for Ethereum smart contracts, but don’t limit yourself—explore blockchain platforms like Hyperledger too. Your Java skills will transfer quite well, particularly in areas like logic and object-oriented programming. Instead of focusing on certifications, I’d suggest diving into real projects—build some smart contracts or dApps to showcase your skills. Networking with blockchain communities can also be a game-changer, helping you stand out when applying for roles.

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  • Andria Shines


    Great advice indeed. Thanks for sharing

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