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  • Shubhada Pande

    Community Administrator6mos

    Yes, many people are thriving in blockchain beyond the YouTube hype. To build a successful career, focus on three things: 1) specialization—find a niche like smart contracts or DeFi and become an expert. 2) Continuous Learning—stay updated on new technologies and trends. 3) Networking—connect with industry professionals and engage in relevant communities. By honing your skills, staying informed, and building relationships, you'll position yourself for success in the evolving blockchain space.

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  • Alex Dowling


    Yes, there are many who have successful career in blockchain industry and many more new jobs are being created. With the advancement of blockchain backed metaverse, the demand of UIUX designers along with developers. Multiple companies are exploring new usecases for blockchain adoption. So its not just hype. Its something real.

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